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News in English : Slota denies accusations of Slovak nationalism

Slota denies accusations of Slovak nationalism

  2007.10.04. 10:27

2007.10.1 Bratislava- Jan Slota, leader of the ultra nationalist Slovak National Party (SNS, a member of the three-party coalition), today rejected the accusations of nationalism. He told CTK that the SNS had been labelled a "nationalistic party" only because as a small country, Slovakia was an easy target of criticism.

"Only because Slovakia is much smaller than, say, the USA, we are called nationalists, while they are so-called patriots, this is the only difference," Slota said.
"They can do in the world whatever they want to. The small ones are badly beaten for any trifle. Have we done anything nationalistic in Slovakia?" said Slota, who calls his party patriotic.
Slota has denied that any pressure has been exerted on him to tune down his inflammatory rhetoric, ever since his party joined the government last year.
"Naturally, I have to be a bit careful with my words, but still I use quite clear, comprehensible and sometimes sharp words," Slota said.
"However, they not as sharp as before the elections," said Slota, who did not enter the government after the elections and is only deputy of the Slovak parliament.
Slota said repeatedly in the past months that Slovak should take a lesson from the fate of Kosovo and prevent ethnic Hungarians inhabiting southern Slovakia from gaining political autonomy.
This would be the first step toward full independence, Slota said.
"There will be no quiet in Slovakia unless all citizens of Slovakia consider Slovakia its homeland, Slota said.
The plan of U.N. envoy Martti Ahtisaari that wants to establish independence of Kosovo under supervision proves that various standards are used when demands of various countries are considered, Slota said.
"I am speaking about two, three standards. Something is right in Kosovo, in the Basque Country it is in the opposite way and in Latvia in the other way round. Do we have democracy or ten democracies?" Slota said.
The Thursday resolution of the Slovak parliament about the untouchable character of the postwar decrees were a response to the Hungarian demands, Slota said.
The postwar decrees, later enacted as laws, stripped most ethnic Germans and many Hungarians in Czechoslovakia of property and citizenship.
Most of the roughly three million Germans had to leave Czechoslovakia after the war, while most ethnic Hungarians stayed in Slovakia and later regained Czechoslovak citizenship and civic rights.
The resolution, passed at the proposal of the SNS, has provoked a wave of criticism in Hungary.
"Every action is followed by reaction," Slota said.
He stressed the closeness of Czech and Slovak interests.
"We must keep together. No Hungarians in Central Europe may jump around and foment tension that may outgrow in something very bad. No one in Central Europe wants this," Slota said.
Slota said the violence committed by German Nazis during war in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia was comparable with what Hungarians did to Slovaks after they annexed southern Slovakia in 1938.
"One can almost say Germans committed fewer atrocities than Hungarian fascists in southern Slovakia," he said.
Slota said he did not want to speculate on whether ethnic Hungarians's deportation would have resolved the ethnic problems.
"I naturally agree with the crushing majority of Czechs that what they did after the war was right," Slota said.
In the late 1990s, Slota said Slovaks should take tanks and attack Budapest.
Ethnic Hungarians account for almost 11 percent of Slovakia's population. About 560,000 ethnic Hungarians mostly live alongside the Slovak-Hungarian border

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