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Autonómiát, egyenlő jogokat a felvidéki magyar nemzetrésznek !

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News in English : An open letter to the Citizens of the Slovak Republic and to its Leaders

An open letter to the Citizens of the Slovak Republic and to its Leaders

Laszlo Molnar Mihalyi  2007.10.14. 17:31

We the Slovakian Hungarians are contemplating the happenings of the past few weeks with deep concern, which warn us to cherish tranquillity in this region.

Dear Citizens,


We the Slovakian Hungarians are contemplating the happenings of the past few weeks with deep concern, which warn us to cherish tranquillity in this region.

However, it does not mean that we need to accept implicitly every directive slander and attack upon us.


We hope, that those dictatorships cannot return, which created illusory peace, public order and restfulness with terror on stately levels and by sizing fear whereas in reality dread suppressed our words and our free opinions and even the truth.


Future cannot be built on falseness; human conditions can not be created by force and without equality one can not talk about democracy. The 21st Century’s Europe demands highbrow manners.


After the fall of the regime when there was an opportunity for the redemption or relief of the injustice done after the war, there were many who wanted to eliminate only the consequences of communist lawlessness. There were only few who wished to  remember that Slovakia also as a victim fell into the hands of fascist egoism during the war and could only thank for the communist stalinlike manipulation that after the war was signed onto the side of conquerors, as a part of re-established Czechoslovak state.


President Benes –about whom we know since that was the agent of KGB and was assigned in 1948 to shift the power onto the turf of communists, did not only hate the Germans and Hungarians but the Slovaks as well.


For the Hungarians and Germans he intended to have the previous ill fate of Jews.

This hatred had been drawn into his decrees after the war.


He marked all Hungarians and Germans and anyone with an ancestral line of Hungarian or German guilty or those who could not prove with evidence that fought armed against the fascists.


That was the way how children became enemies, those who did not even live yet during the war, not mentioning the women and the elderly.


The consequences of the decrees had been carried out in forms of imprisonment, condemnation to forced labour camps, property confiscations, expulsions and deportations to the Czech Republic or to Hungary.


It means that they declared to be guilty almost 4 million people only for their ancestral roots, nationality or mother tongue.

These are undeniable facts documented in archives.


These cannot be invalidated by suppressing or falsifying.


Defending the acts of Benes and his revenge drowned from hatred is not worthy to our nowadays Europe.


Because the consequences still hurt as open wounds not only for those mired then but  in the hearts and memories of their children and heir.

That is why the MKP wished to offer on the path of reconciliation,  searched for relief for this infected even sixty years on festering wound.


The medical lingo suggests the cleaning of the wound, but if it is missed, neglected than it can cause and bring very serious consequences in this region.


In the European Union only those nation can rise which are in their adulthood, are able to well cooperate and can respect other’s values.

In the Carpathian Basin the ‘Divide and Conquer’ political ideology had been used a few times to make the here living nations to represent foreign interests.

If it works out this time as well than as well as the Slovak as the Hungarian nation could lose its chances to evolve.


That is why we turn to You, so it is not hatred that leads your emotions, but empathy and understanding and to try to consider this way the feelings and requests of the nation that lives on its own motherland for eleven hundred years.

Friss bejegyzések
2009.02.10. 13:38
2009.02.10. 13:30
2009.02.10. 13:20
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Indulás: 2007-10-01
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